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Family Support Resources

Teachers have worked during the year to provide routines at school, but how can families transfer some of these rituals to the home environment? Here are some additional helpful tips:

You might consider implementing an at-home version of a “greeting at the door,” a fun ritual teachers often use at the start of the day, to check in with your child and ask how they’re feeling. Continue the practice throughout the day using lightweight ‘checks-ins’ and vary the question. The Institute for Social and Emotional Learning has provided sample questions such as, “If you made or used an emoji that best represents your moods right now, what is it?” or “What color or blend of colors best represents how you’re feeling today? Why?" 


Creating Routines 

Alarm Clock


Help your child identify what makes them “expert learners”. What do they like to do? What motivates them?  What are their challenges? By self-reflecting, your child can help come up with how they would like to structure their learning.  This supports goal-setting and self-regulation skills. Start by:

  • Helping your child reflect on their areas of strength and their challenges


Identify areas that are barriers or challenges? Is it starting an assignment? Organizing the steps or sequence? Does it involve separating directions from instructional materials from assignments?

  • Create a plan that taps into their strengths and addresses the challenges.

    1. Build in incentives for your child to engage in a motivating activity if they finish a certain amount of work

    2. Once you identify challenges, come up with ideas for addressing them. For example, if staying focused is a challenge, work with your child to identify how long they should spend on an activity and when to take breaks.


​ (link to this website provided in brief)

Cartoon Animal

A recent brief shares that emphasizing respect, responsibility, and a sense of community is important for maintaining a smooth home-school connection. To the left is an example shares regarding ways to teach, remind and acknowledge positive behavior at home.

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Student Support Resources

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In this time of social distancing and remote learning, we understand how important connection matters for all of us, especially our students. Our schools have been working to maintain certain rituals and traditions and have continued building community. Check out these creative ways staff are cultivating connections in this virtual space! 

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