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Virtual Closing Activities

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As we near the close of the academic year, staff may be considering creative ways to engage in closing activities that support students’ social-emotional development. Be sure to visit the SEL stockpile for a variety of activities for inclusive openings, engaging strategies, and intentional closings. In addition, the PBIS coaching team compiled a list of Virtual Closing Activities that can be adapted for all grade levels.

Family Support Resources

Maintaining Momentum


As students are engaging in Emergency Learning, it can be important to reinforce online responsible decision making. Check out this video resource by Common Sense Education which leads students to reflect on how they can be responsible with their digital footprint: Digital Footprint | Common Sense Education (Thank you Malibu ES!)


Sesame Street Family Podcast

All families love Sesame Street, right? In this 17 minute NPR Podcast, Cory Turner, and Anya Kamenetz check in with Rosemarie Truglio, a developmental psychologist and senior vice president of curriculum and content at Sesame Workshop, to gather wisdom families can use during this current phase. Sesame Workshop's Tips For Parents During The Coronavirus Pandemic

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While you’re there check out Cory Turner and Anya Kamenetz’s 12-minute NPR Podcast interview with Grover that is JUST FOR KIDS!
Answering Your Kid's Questions About Coronavirus With Grover From Sesame Street

Yoga for Self-Care

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Trying to find new ways to move while at home? Visit the Youtube channel from Yoga Ed which provides great resources!

Disagreeing Respectfully

Author Jennifer Miller, Ed.D. shares - “In this time of close proximity when we are with our family members much more regularly, we are certain to encounter frustrations with one another and to disagree. If we have conversation tools at the ready, we’ll be able to navigate our way through those challenging conversations while keeping our relationships intimate, healthy and growing.” 


In the resource Respectful Disagreement Conversation Tools she shares the following tip: “Articulate ‘mutual purpose.’ You may each be focused on differing goals and reasons for your perspective. But finding and articulating your mutual purpose will help you find a common ground from which you can seek solutions together. Those skilled in facilitating dialogue do not see “either/ors” but find an “and” in any situation.”

Maintaining Healthy Habits for Learning and Growing

Harvard Graduate School of Education shares some ideas in a recent article for maintaining healthy habits for learning and growing at home for younger children. Below are some strategies shared which focus on social-emotional skills:


  • Model empathy and kindness by looking for ways to be helpers in your community. Offer to run errands for an elderly neighbor, make and drop off cards to a nursing home.

  • Create a kindness jar — write down all the acts of kindness you see your children doing, (e.g. helping with a chore, sharing a toy with a sibling, making a picture for a friend, etc.) Then, periodically select a paper from the jar and read it out loud with the family.

  • Create a feelings chart or use stickers or pictures to help your child communicate how they are feeling each day. Use books and pictures to discuss emotion words like angry, scared, and worried.

  • Create a sharing time each day at bedtime or mealtime. Ask a daily question: “What was the best part of your day/the worst part of your day?”  “Name one thing that felt good today and one thing that felt hard?” “Name one kind thing you did today.”

Our school staff and students are continuing to find ways to nurture community and connection along with creating opportunities for social-emotional learning during our time at home. 

Below are a few highlights!

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Check out this EMPATHY choice board created for students at Landstown MS. See the Twitter post for more info!

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Offering “theme days” for students can be a great way to virtually nurture community and connection. Theresa Holleran, Pre-K teacher at Rosemont Elementary School, continues her classroom tradition by hosting “Move it Thursday” with her students. See Twitter for more details!

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Last week Bayside HS celebrated “Athletic Spirit Week”! Visit their Instagram page to see how they celebrated with the Bayside community all week!

Princess Anne HS students are working to provide support to frontline healthcare workers in a special way. Click the link to view the WTKR news story!

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Opportunities for adult reflection and connection can be just as important during these times. Here is a great idea shared by Red Mill ES Principal, Michelle Miller, for a virtual staff morning meeting. Staff share a famous quote from their mother or father! Check out the Twitter post —> HERE

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